Selasa, 19 Agustus 2014

Legend of Situ Bagendit

Hi,Friend! Do you ever hear the story about situ bagendit? I’ll tell u about it, the Legend of situ bagendit. Long time ago there was a widow with no child lived in a village. Her name was Nyi Mas Inten. She was the richest person in the village, but she never gave anything to the other.
One day,
there were a poor woman and her child looked for some snails in Nyi Mas Inten’s rice field..Nyi Mas Inten was angry when she saw them.
“Hey,poor woman! Why you took snails from my rice field ?!,” she scolded the woman.
“I am sorry madam. I didn’t mean that. I thought these snails was useless, so I picked up from your rice field.” explained the poor woman..
“It means you stole from my rice field ‘cause you got it without my permission! And I will punish you! ” Nyi Mas Inten said and pulled the woman’s body and her children into the mud of the rice field. They fell and cried.
The villagers didn’t like Nyi Mas Inten because of her attitude. But, they couldn’t do anything. Nyi Mas Inten had a lot of guards.They really obeyed what Nyi Mas Inten instructed.
Someday, there was an old man stood in front of the poor woman’s house to ask for alms. The poor woman opened the door.
            “Have mercy on me,please. I’m hungry and thirsty.”
            “Let’s come in, old man. But I’m sorry, all we have only this.” said the woman while giving the old man a glass of water.
“Thanks a lot. You’re so generous eventhough you are poor.” said the old man. And then, the old man saw a child laid on a bed .
“Is that your child?” asked the old man to the old woman.
“Yes, that is my child.” the poor woman said sadly.
“What is that ? why his face is injured? “ asked the old man. “You can tell me anything, I’ll help you if I can..”
“Emb... Yesterday, we looked for some snails for our meal in Nyi Mas Inten’s rice field. We were very hungry and had nothing to eat.We thought the snails are useless for a rich woman like Nyi Mas Inten. She was really angry and then she pulled us. My child’s head was bumped into a big stone.”
“Who is Nyi Mas Inten?” asked the old man.
“She is the richest widow in this village,” answered the woman.
 “Ouuchhh,Just be patient.”
Before he left from the woman’s house, the man told the woman that there would be a great disaster in the village. He instructed the woman to go away from the village with the other villagers.
The harvest time had come. Nyi Mas Inten had a great profit from her harvest. As usual, she held a party to celebrate this moment.Suddenly there was a beggar approached them to asked some food and drink.
“Hey you crazy old man, go away from here. You disturbed our party!” Nyi Mas Inten scolded the beggar
“I don’t want to go, I want to be here!” said the beggar.
`Cause of the anger, one of the guards took dirty water and threw it to the beggar’s face Then, he kicked the beggar.The beggar said something to them.
“Nyi Mas Inten, don’t be proud of your richness .You will got something from what you have done!!!!,” said the beggar.
The old beggar went away. Everytime he met the villagers, he warned them that there would be a huge disaster. After all the villagers evacuated from the village, there was a big flood in the village. All of the villagers was safe except Nyi Mas Inten and her guards coz they were busy to save her properties.
“Hey, look! that’s situ bagendit...” said the people  Situ means lake and Bagendit refers to Nyi Mas Inten means stingy.

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